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Goddesses. Clearly. Emily and Stefanie by name.

We found each other in 2019 through a series of fortuitous events. Emily on the tailend of a three year long battle with an aggressive form of breast cancer and Stefanie in the midst of a whirlwind of film and television productions. It was during the following months of separation and lockdowns that Emily began a deep dive into a wide array of esoteric texts and scientific studies, exploring the vast interface between science and spirituality in an attempt to understand the newfound psychic abilities and prophetic visions that followed her multiple near death experiences. While Stefanie, an ocean away, began her own dedicated meditation practice, opening the door to an incredible new world of profound insights and communion with her ancestors. When we finally reunited, it was during a wildly beautiful, life affirming trip to Egypt, that we started a daily meditation practice and began to have linked, psychic visions while in meditation. Seeing much of the same imagery. We initially had no idea what to do with it other than enjoying the beauty of confirmation through each others‘ third eye. Until we were introduced to the Akashic Records.

A year into our practice, watching the messages and insights grow with our ability to perceive them, we took a journey into our own records to ask and confirm that we were doing the right thing by following this path. And to better understand what our purpose is. This is what we were shown:

The Akashic Records and every bit of data contained is accessible to anyone willing to seek it. Different people are granted access to different parts of this body of wisdom, based on their personal experiences, ability and needs. It was then explained that when we enter into the realm of the Akasha, and say the prayer asking for love and truth, we are blessed to get to see YOU through the eyes of God. All of what we are given comes from a source of unconditional love. This understanding completely changed how we view this work. Our ego is no longer any part of the equation, neither are our insecurities.

It took three years of dedicated practice and hundreds of journeys into the records to fully understand and trust in the messages we receive. Bringing us to this solid ground of confidence in our connection and ability as clear channels of the truth, love and divine guidance available for you.